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Exhibition Opening Reception: Ordinary/Extraordinary

October 12, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


Exhibition Opening Reception: Ordinary/Extraordinary

October 12th, 2023 from 6PM-7:30PM

Join us at the Dyckman Farmhouse Museum to celebrate the opening of our newest exhibition, “Ordinary/Extraordinary,” by local Inwood artist Shu Tu. Browse Shu’s work over light refreshments.

“In our fast-paced lives, it’s often easy to lose touch with our inner truth. My creative process provides a compass, reminding me to pause and reconnect with what is meaningful and nourishing. Each day, we are presented with countless opportunities to slow down and appreciate the extraordinary beauty of the ordinary. The exhibition invites viewers to share such moments of openness with me.

Most of the pieces featured in this exhibit were inspired by morning walks at Isham Park and Inwood Hill Park.  I am honored to share the beauty of Upper Manhattan and my profound love for this community with you.”


Recepción de inauguración de la exposición: Ordinaria/Extraordinaria

12 de octubre del 2023 de 6:00 p.m. a 7:30 p.m.

Ven al Museo Dyckman Farmhouse para celebrar la inauguración de nuestra exposición más reciente, “Ordinary/Extraordinary”, del artista, y residente de Inwood, Shu Tu. Explora el trabajo de Shu acompañado de un pequeño refrigerio.

“Nuestras vidas van a muy paso acelerado, y a menudo es fácil perder el contacto con nuestro ser interior. Mi proceso creativo proporciona una brújula que me recuerda hacer una pausa y reconectarme con lo que es esencial y lo que me alimenta. Cada día, se nos presentan innumerables oportunidades para bajar el ritmo y apreciar la belleza extraordinaria en lo ordinario. La exposición invita a los espectadores a compartir esos momentos de apertura, y de estar presente conmigo.


October 12, 2023
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


Dyckman Farmhouse Museum
View Organizer Website


Dyckman Farmhouse Museum
4881 Broadway
New York, NY 10034-3101 United States
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